The development of innovative and possibly disruptive technologies is vital for the future of the aeronautical industry. Embraer and ITA, celebrating their long-term partnership, with the support of FAPESP, present FLYMOV. An Engineering Research Center (EPC) to study and develop pre-competitive solutions to transform the future of air mobility.
To raise the level of technological readiness, through basic and applied research on emerging technologies, significantly reduces uncertainties and associated risks to generate innovations for production processes, new products and new services.
FLYMOV mobilizes more than 130 people, including researchers, Embraer employees and scholarship holders – Scientific Initiation, Masters, Doctorate and Post-Doctorate – in an ambitious initiative aimed at establishing a new benchmark for the competitiveness of the national industry and for the training of professionals who will transform the air mobility innovation ecosystem.
LOCATION - The central node of the FLYMOV Research Network is located at ITA (Technological Institute of Aeronautics) , our host institution. The research network goes far beyond the boundaries of the building, it is comprised of renowned institutions such as UNICAMP and USP/São Carlos, through its researchers and laboratories infrastructure.
We seek excellence in the applied research process through the involvement of professionals of recognized competence in their areas of knowledge, engaged in the partnership between Academia and Industry, aiming to transform air mobility."
Who we are
WHO WE ARE - We have a multidisciplinary team with technical and administrative support to ensure proper management of research activities and focus on results of researchers and their teams. In addition, it is worth highlighting the joint execution of initiatives related to Technology Transfer, Education and Knowledge Dissemination, and also our Project Management Office.
Within the governance model established by FAPESP, the Center also has a Strategic Council, containg members from Embraer, ITA and FAPESP, which guides the definition of applied research priorities, and validates the annual operating results. This board is supported by an International Advisory Board that advises on trends and opportunities within Science, Technology and Innovation Ecosystem, aiming at ensuring the competitiveness of state-of-the-art research and an international standards.
Executive Board
Domingos Alves Rade, Prof. Dr.
Director and Responsible Researcher
– ITA –
Luciano José Pedrote dos Santos, Eng.
Deputy Director and Visiting Researcher
– Embraer –
Jesuino Takachi Tomita, Prof. Dr.
Innovation and Technology Transfer Coordinator – ITA
Ana Márcia de Oliveira Ramos
Deputy Coordinator of Innovation and Technology Transfer – Embraer
Agnelo Bezerra Guilherme Silva, Prof. Dr.
Education and Knowledge Dissemination Coordinator – ITA
Dinah Eluze Sales Leite, Eng. Dra.
Deputy Coordinator of Education and Knowledge Dissemination – Embraer
Guilherme Soares e Silva, Prof. Msc
Communication and Knowledge Dissemination Manager – ITA
Claudiano Sales de Araújo Jr, Eng. Dr.
Project Management Office Coordinator (PMO) – Embraer
Vinícius Malatesta, Prof. Dr.
Executive Manager – ITA
Project Management Office (PMO)
Ricardo Athayde Abelheira
Design Thinking Practice Coordinator in Research – Embraer
Aero-Propulsive Integration
for Electric Aircraft
Roberto Gil Annes da Silva,
Prof. Dr. - ITA
Breno Moura Castro,
Eng. Dr. - Embraer
Machine Control
for Electric Propulsion
José Antenor Pomilio,
Prof. Dr. - Unicamp
Gabriela Torllone de Carvalho Ferreira,
Eng. Dr. - Embraer
Decision Methods
for Autonomous Systems
Carlos Henrique Costa Ribeiro,
Prof. Dr. - ITA
Braulio Marques Doria,
Eng. M.Sc - Embraer
Advanced Design
for Metallic Additive Manufacturing
Alfredo Rocha de Faria,
Prof. Dr. - ITA
Felipe Mariano Brandão,
Eng. M.Sc. - Embraer
Intelligent Aircraft
Final Assembly
Emilia Villani,
Prof. Dra. - ITA
João Marcos Gomes de Mello,
Eng. M.Sc. - Embraer